The pages listed below are links to the Notary Public Details pages of our network notaries.

Associate IDs contain a Letter and 2 digits. The letter denotes the county the notary RESIDES in (see legend below), and is followed by 2 numbers (01-99) [00 is reserved as a County Supervisor] -- these also match the extension patterns on our system, which are 5 digits in the pattern of 5 + [2 digit county] + 01-99 individuals.


LetterCounty NameExtensions  LetterCounty NameExtensions
AAndroscoggin501##  JOxford509##
BAroostook502##  KPenobscot510##
CCumberland503##  MPiscataquis511##
DFranklin504##  NSagadahoc512##
EHancock505##  PSomerset513##
FKennebec506##  RWaldo514##
GKnox507##  SWashington515##
HLincoln508##  TYork516##
The Letter X is for Dedimus Justice listings -- 1st Dedimus is the county number above (Extensions:517[01-16]). Others are 51720 and above.
The Letter Y is for Freelance ministers & it does not show the town of residence for these listings. (Extensions: 51801-51899)
The letter Z is the three notaries/ministers at the home office and their extensions are 519## (last 2 of their ID).
XDedimus Justices517##  YFreelance Ministers518##
ZHome Office Administration519##     

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